California - General
Coalition Legislative Update - California
Active Courts in California
California eChecks
eFile CA: Credit Card Convenience Fee
eFile CA: What credit card types are allowed?
eFile CA: Why are there court-mandated technology fees?
eFile CA: What are the court-mandated technology fee?
eFile CA: How do I contact the court regarding my eFiling submission?
eFile CA: Why is it necessary to register with eFileCA to electronically file in some courts?
eFile CA: How do I submit attachments to my lead document?
eFile CA: What is the maximum file size per filing?
eFile CA: What type of files can I upload?
eFile CA: Signatures Not Required on Documents
eFile CA: Orange County - How are Writs of Execution eFiled?
eFile CA: Orange County - Documents that may NOT be eFiled
eFile CA: San Diego County - Notice of Lodgment/Under Seal Document
eFile CA: San Francisco County - Summons Process
eFile CA: Orange County - Document under Seal
eFile CA: What document types are ineligible for eFiling?
eFile CA: Effective Date of Filing
eFile CA: What are the rules for eService in California?