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How to file a petition for divorce and Notice of Hearing in Harris DC?

Question: How do I file my original petition for divorce and notice of hearing for temporary order in Harris county. And, how do I order the citation and precept?

Answer: Begin your submission as you normally would.

  1. Select Petition as your Filing Code.
  2. Change the Filing Description field to read exactly like the title in the petition (i.e., Plaintiff's Original Petition). This is a Harris DC requirement.
  3. Under Document Category select New Case Filings. Since this is Harris District Court, all other documents must be filed as attachments to the lead document.
  4. After you upload your petition as the lead document, click the Add Attachments button each time to upload your Case Information sheet, and Notice of Hearing for Temporary Orders as attachments to the lead document (the petition).
  5. Under Additional Court Services find and click the Issue Citation and the Issue Precept/Notice options to order and pay for those. Be sure to change the selector from once if you need more than one.
  6. Next select the Copies - Service option and request enough copies of the petition to attach to the citation.
  7. Complete the submission.

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