Document Upload Policy - Walker County - District

General Information

  • Amex is NOT accepted.
  • Court is integrated.
  • Court is NOT charging $2 cost recovery fee.
  • Attachments are allowed combined into single document.
  • Multiple lead documents per filing are allowed.

Initial Filings

  • Case Information Sheet should be submitted as a separate filing.
  • Exhibits should be submitted as an attachment.
  • Citation Requests, Copies and the like are under Filing Codes as a separate filing.
  • If the Citation Request is required, it can be downloaded from Walker County website
  • The filer can request copies as an optional service to be attached to the citation.
  • The addresses of the plaintiff is required. The address of the defendant is required.
  • In preparing an Original Petition all parties should be listed.
  • All exhibits should be merged into a single document.

Subsequent Filings

  • Items not needing a file stamp (proposed orders, notices, etc) should not have a cover letter as the lead document.
  • Non indexed case filings are accepted.
  • Proposed orders should be filed as an attachment to an appropriate lead document.
  • Motions should be filed as an attachment.
  • Exhibits should be filed an attachment to an appropriate lead document.

Case Information Availability


*       This jurisdiction’s Case Management System, (CMS) is fully integrated into the State eFiling system.

*       When you are making a subsequent eFiling into an existing case for this jurisdiction your case should be available in the eFiling system and your case information will be automatically imported.

*       If the case is not found, please recheck your search criteria. If the system still does not return your case, please send an email to We will contact the State eFiling system and jurisdiction to correct the issue.

Updated by Kenny Williams as directed by (Case Kennedy) on 4/2/2015

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